"Seeing our own smallness is called insight.
Honoring our own tenderness is called strength."
-Lao Tzu
Mother's Day was originally conceptualized by Julia Ward Howe in 1870 when she wrote a powerful "Mother's Day Proclamation" encouraging all women of the world to unite for world peace. Holding space for peaceful expression of feelings and desires is one of the greatest tasks every Mother undertakes, and the journey is a lifelong revolution of constant co-evolution.
Being a Mother is a sensitizing experience. You become more sensitive to inner and outer worlds, everything and everyone around you, seen and unseen. In this awakening you become a child again, full of wonder and curiosity, constantly stimulated and inspired to renew your sense of belonging in this world. You also learn to feel suffering more profoundly. In an instant your child can take a fall or misjudge a target and the world comes crashing down with a burst of raw and painful emotions; learning to manage these high pressure and often time sensitive healing processes is often a tricky guessing game of soothing techniques, for everyone involved. Aside from deep breathing, visualization, and pure lovelight, one thing I have found that really does make it all much better is Helichrysum Essential Oil.
Growing at high altitudes on the island of Corsica, which is situated between the Italian coast of Tuscany and the southern French Riviera, Helichrysum is both frost and drought tolerant and is so resilient it is often found growing through rocks. It is also known asImmortelle, or Life Everlasting, due to the fact that the flowers do not wither, and when dried, their shape and color are perfectly preserved.
Helichrysum's healing power is so potent that studies have shown it to be just as effective in a 1% dilution as it is in the pure 100% essential oil. This diluted form is an excellent choice for application to skin that has not been broken, but if you are working in a first aid situation with an open wound, you would not want to introduce a carrier oil into the wound, therefor having the pure essential oil on hand is a serious advantage to cleansing and healing the wound as fast as possible. When I administer this oil to my daughter and her friends, Mothers are amazed to see the speedy healing results. I never go anywhere without this, it is my Supermama secret weapon against all manner of boo boos.
Helichrysum is known to remove traumatic energies and aid in the recovery of balance and centeredness: this is a big part of the healing process when an injury occurs. Many of our products include Helichrysum, as it is one of the most revered medicinal flowers. A few drops rubbed through the hair or onto the heart chakra is an extremely calming and centering ritual.
Both Helichrysum and Lavender Essential Oils have a wide range of remarkable medicinal properties, and when combined, are a true powerhouse of healing. Lavender is considered to be the "Swiss Army Knife of Aromatherapy" and Helichrysum has a unique property unto itself with high amounts of two specific di-ketones that radically stimulate cells to regenerate, aiding in the fading of scars and the prevention of scar tissue.
As we celebrate Mother's Day this year I am honored to share in this universal dance, awakened by this sacred act of selflessness, and humbled to call myself a Mother.
May you feel loved, held, and cherished as you truly are.